Tuesday, February 15, 2011

It's Been a While..

It's been quite some time since I last posted to my blog. Another year has gone by full of changes, and free of my comittment to post in my blog, lose weight, etc.. I have lost friends, I have lost my father, and I have gained weight.. but through it all, I have gained perspective.

Today I read that a teacher in another state could possibly be fired for posting her opinions of her students in her blog. She didn't name her students, she simply stated that some "overestimated their intelligence and academic prowess," "dressed like street-walkers," were insufferable, disrespectful, had no ambition, etc. If these are lies, then discipline her for libel. However, I beg to differ from public opinion. Society in itself is FULL of humans, child, teen-aged, and adult alike, that over-estimate academic prowess, dress like street walkers, show a lack of respect to others, and are otherwise insufferable. That is life. Does it make her a bad teacher? Absolutely not. It makes her truthful, and it shows that she has insight from inside the trenches, just as most all of us teachers have.

It pains me to think that her civil liberties, including free speech, are being trampled upon just because some parents got mad. If I was a parent, and saw the blog of a teacher who said my child, in particular, was a pill, sure I'd be mad. But if she made the statement that some students are ogres, then I could probably see her point. Apparently some people don't.

Anyway, I wish Ms. Munroe the best of luck in her quest to retain her job. I hope that justice will prevail in her case, and that she will continue the excellent job that she most surely does to be so observant and caring towards her students' behavior.

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