Thursday, June 7, 2012

Subconcious + Imagination = ....?

My beautiful girlfriends! Miss them!
My best friend and me!
What is with dreams? It seems like the weirdest concoction of memories mixed with a hearty dose of what can only be described as pure imagination blend and swirl together to make an alternate reality during those minutes spent in REM. And though REM sleep only lasts a short period of time, these dreams can seem like they envelope the entire night, dragging you through what could literally take hours or days in conciousness to accomplish.

They can also draw up and contort visions of the past. If anyone of you knew me during my college years, and the couple years following, you probably know I had some amazing friends, had a ton of adventures, and that I love and miss those friends and times dearly. You probably also know that my BFF was a dude, and we were generally inseperable. But, time and distance change things, and looking back I can see that we were in a weirdly co-dependent relationship. It was kind of psychotic really, and if I spoke to him today, I would probably apologize for being so dang... ugh. (Side note, he owes me a lot of apologies, too! I promise I wasn't the only crazy one in that relationship!) I should probably apologize to all of my other friends for that relationship, too, but there's not enough time in the world, and that's another post.
A lovely bunch of my friends and me at a college formal
Zoo escapades

 Anyway, this dream. I can't remember exactly what happened. That's the funny thing about dreams. As vivid as they are, and as much as you repeat to yourself throughout the dream that you will remember every last detail, you never do. I do remember a restaurant with a group of dear friends, and I remember reading a letter from said BFF. Actually, a letter to him, and a letter from him. In the dream, I could see each word printed on the page (literally, it was a print-out of an email,) and the letter from me described what I think would be exactly what I would say to him if I were to relay my current understanding of our former friendship. Only.. the letter took place during our final year of college.. so it's my current perspective, had I told him in the past. (I know, dreams are weird like that!) And the letter from him.. well, I found it shocking. It's not at all what I would have ever dreamed (haha pun intended) he would say to me.

Another formal

 Does that mean anything? I have no idea. Why am I even dreaming about this? Do I need closure from this former friendship? I mean, we didn't split on bad terms. My goodness, we grew up, we grew apart, we married our fantastic spouses, we moved away, started careers..
Alaskan adventure with one of my best pals! (yeah,
we climbed that mountain barefoot!)

Dreams perplex me.

Subconcious + Imagination = Simply Confusion.


Unknown said...

That first pic really takes me back. Despite the sour taste left toward the end, my time at LC was some of the best years of my life, and you ladies were no small part of that. :-)

DontBothertoKnock said...

I think I can speak for all of us in that picture when I say that you were a gigantic part of why our LC experience was amazing. Bittersweet as those LC memories are to all of us, I truly think the sweet outweighs the bitter for me. :)