Today I got my hair colored. That may not seem like anything out of the ordinary for a woman of 25, and really, it's not. However, today, instead of my usual blonde highlights and light brown lowlights, I opted for a deep, rich, dark auburn. It's new, it's fresh, and for now, it's me. Why did I decide to change my haircolor so drastically?
Today, in case you haven't noticed, is December 31. It's the last day of the year, and in this case, the last day of the decade. 2009 is coming to a close, and I have decided that there is a part of me that I would like to close off as well.
Each year, millions of people make resolutions. They resolve to become more organized, to lose weight, to stop smoking, or to kick another bad habit. More times than not, these resolutions are thrown by the wayside within a few weeks' time. I've decided than instead of making resolutions, this year, I would like to make some commitments. Instead of dropping bad habits, I would like to pick up some new habits.
Yes, this may seem like I am falling prey to the same old "resolution cycle" that many others do, but this year, I vow to be different.
My 2010 habits to adopt are as follows:
1.) Learn to Love Me -- all of me, in my entirity. The good, the bad, the ugly.
2.) Take care of Me -- physically and emotionally.
And part of taking care of me will entail:
1.) Go to the gym (at least) 2 times a week for (at least) 30 minutes
2.) Take my lunch to work
Hopefully, since I'm viewing these as commitments to myself, I can honor them. Here's wishing myself luck, and wishing you a wonderful 2010.