Saturday, July 28, 2012

My Cardboard Testimony

      You may or may not know that I spent the past week with several of my students at DCBC; only the most amazing summer camp on the face of the planet. Why is it amazing? Because God moves there. He really does. I don't know what it is about this place... maybe it's the group of amazing people who run the camp and work so diligently to serve others. Maybe it is the seclusion from everyday distractions. Maybe it's the care and concern and love for others that the counselors show to students and group leaders alike. Maybe it's the fact that this place and everyone in it are constantly bathed in prayer. I don't know. Maybe it's a little of all of the above, but what I do know is that when you take the left turn into the driveway from Hwy 113, a sudden peace and joy wash over you like a wave, and even though you are about to spend nights on a bed the thickness and texture of a bath mat and bathe in a shower shared by 19 of your closest friends, you know you are at home. I love that place.

      I know you are thinking "You are an adult. Why are you so passionate about summer camp?" Didn't I say so already? God moves there. God, the Almighty Creator of the universe, the Author and Perfector of our faith... yes, that one... moves. He speaks gently and softly, like a loving Father. He speaks quietly in a still, small voice. And sometimes, He speaks firmly, directly, and with a hand as firm as steel. And not only does He speak to the students, but he speaks to the counselors, the staff, the pastors, the ministers, and me.

     This week was emotional on so many levels. First of all, we were coming back to DCBC for the first time in a year. During this past year, a dear sweet girl we met at camp last year was killed in a car accident. We were to be back with her group, and one of my girls had become very, very close wtih her before she died. Secondly, two of my former 8th grade students (now just completed 10th), were on staff. Finally, because I had so many lessons to learn while there, but I didn't even know it.

      On the first full day of camp, after a particularly hard Bible study, Lex came to me in tears. "Why did Kaitlyn die?" She asked. Wow. Such a simple question, but one so weighted. I answered her as best I could, and told her that I would search scriptures for a more definitive answer. And I began to search. I prayed. I started a list... and then read each one. I wrote and explained the meaning of each one. I prayed. I cried. I searched more. And I finally, the next day, I gave Lex my list. She shared it with another close friend of hers. That night, the camp pastor (who was fantastic, by the way,) Brent Gambrell, preached a message on why bad things happen. Almost every scripture I shared with Lex was presented in his message (and a few more as well.) Wow. Lex and Kyndal spent the latter part of the evening surrounded by friends in prayer. What a freeing evening for them. God spoke to them in the midst of their heartbreak, and incredibly, He used me to help relay his message. I was astounded.

     On the final evening of camp, the staffers and counselors shared their "cardboard testimonies." On one side of the cardboard, they wrote a brief summary of their lives before Christ. On the back, they wrote how their lives had been transformed. Short and simple. But so powerful. "My" two staffers' testimonies definitely caused me to choke up a bit. One of them, "Rev," has come from a life that no child should have to live through. A drug-addicted mother, sometimes not enough food to eat, absentee father... I could go on. His card simply said, "Living for the World..... New Life in Christ." Wow. So simple, but so powerful. The other has a wonderful family, but carried private struggles that I would have never dreamed. It broke my heart to know that while he was in my class at school, he struggled so desperately with these things, and I never had any idea. He hid it all with a wink and a smile. I went to Rev after the service; I wanted to tell him how much he is loved and how proud of him I was..
 When I told him, he said, "Aw, but you shouldn't be!"
"But I AM," I insisted!
And then he gave a reply that was not of this world. It silenced me and brought more tears to my eyes...

"But that's the best part! It's not me!"

"It's not me."
Every breath vacated my lungs. My eyes flooded. All I could do was fling my arms around his neck and hug him. "I love you, Mrs. C!" He said. "I love you, too, Rev."

     In that simple moment, God taught me everything I needed to learn for the whole week. It's not me. It's not about me. Sometimes I am so selfish! "What can I do for God?" "What do I need to be doing with the youth group?" "What do I need to get done for church?"


     You see, I can't do a thing on my own. It's not me. But God can accomplish beautiful things through me. I thought back... I didn't offer Lex and Kyndal any comfort at all. I didn't know the right words to say. But through searching and prayer, God comforted them through me. Rev didn't do anything on his own... God worked through him. He worked through a sixteen year old country boy serving food and cleaning cabins at a summer camp to tell me exactly what He wanted me to hear.

So, what's my cardboard testimony?



Faith said...

Oh my dear sweet sister.... Wow!!! You have given me those all too relatable tears and goosebumps tonight!!! Oh to be like Rev..... Thank you for sharing!!!

The Heart Of A Woman said...

I love the cardboard testimony! The whole blog post spoke to my heart! Thank you for sharing!

DontBothertoKnock said...

Thanks, ladies! :)