Saturday, September 17, 2011

Commitment (and everything that goes with it...)

This is just a little off-the-cuff post because I'm irritated. (3 in one week, you say? Yes!)

 Although my last couple of posts were all about how I loooooove me some teeangers, I am so done with parents in today's society! What ever happened to commitment?! When I was a teenager, when my youth group was doing something, my Mom made sure I was there. When I had dance practice, my Mom or Dad dropped me off and didn't pick me up until it was over. When I had band practice, I went. When there was a ball game I was supposed to play at, or a concert, or dance recital, my Mom and Dad took me, made sure I did what I was supposed to do, and didn't take me home until it was over.

WHAT THE HECK is with these parents who don't make their kids do anything they signed up to do?!?! 2 Cases in point:

1.) My cheerleaders. FOR WEEKS we have had lined up a private clinic at a cheer and gymnastics gym to nail down the new routine for downtown homecoming. This morning, at 8 AM, I get a text from one of my girls saying she has a sore throat and her mom says she doesn't have to come. What the heck does a sore throat have to do with being able to tumble and do a stunt? You don't have to say a word. You keep your mouth shut and pick up your flyer!!! My mother would have told me to eat a cough drop, take an ibuprofen, drink some hot tea, and suck it up! I mean, good grief! They have paid out the butt for this clinc, and then because she sits out in the air at the ballgame last night, she doesn't make her come!? Ridiculous.

2.) My youth group. Since August, we have had lined up that our group was going to Monroe to play laser tag. A ton of them confirmed that they were going. I text around and post on fb for a final headcount, and how many do I have no that don't have something better to do???? The 2 sons of our preacher. Yes, that's right, TWO teenagers have not found something better to do. They have actually written it on their calendars and looked forward to it.


/end rant.

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