Tuesday, February 15, 2011

I'm Typing Again..

Well, this is my second post in about as many hours. I'm not entirely sure why, but I just have that feeling that there are words inside of me that need to come out. Unfortunately, at this time, I don't kow what they are, so here I sit... rambling.

All of this started about 2 weeks ago.. the feeling that I needed to take up blogging again. Sure, I've tried it many times. I've had xanga, myspace notes, livejournal, and several different accounts on blogger. This particular blog has had an average of about 2.5 posts per year since 2008. I can never seem to keep up with writing. I love to write. It's an exhilarating outlet. I can let out all my emotions, send them off into cyberspace, and free my soul of them.

Why did I begin to feel that I needed to blog again? Well, I watched Julie & Julia, of course. Julie Powell made me want to log in and set my typing fingers ablaze in a way that I never have before. Cooking through the entire cookbook of Julia Child? Sheer genius. Did it drive her mad? Absolutely, but it was brilliant. She pushed herself to do things she never thought she would do, and discovered things about herself and her relationships that she would have never discovered otherwise. Uh-MAZ-ing!

But then I think to myself: Ok, Julie Powell did this. She blogged every day for a year. WHAT THE HECK WOULD I WRITE ABOUT EVERY DAY FOR A YEAR?! I have no idea. I can't even remember to grab breakfast on my way out the door every day, much less remember to update a blog.. And really, what do I have time to take on that I would blog about? What do I have time to write about as it is? Absolutely nothing. Who would even read it? Not a soul, as far as I know.

So, for now, I will sit here in my favorite chair, with my favorite laptop, drinking my favorite Diet Coke, and ramble. Maybe I will ramble every day, or maybe I won't ramble again until November. Who knows? All I can say is, when the time is right for the verbal overflow, I'll be here.

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